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Announcement FESSTVaL Summer School 2021

Due to the corona pandemic, the FESSTVaL Summer School 2020 had to be cancelled. For next year, we would like to offer a hybrid format. The concept is described here and under development.

Please find the new Call for Application for the hybrid FESSTVaL Summer School 2021 on 'Observing and understanding submesoscale atmospheric dynamics' at <>.

Copyright: FESTVaL

FESSTVaL (Field Experiment on submesoscale spatio-temporal variability in Lindenberg) is a measurement campaign initiated by the Hans-Ertel-Center for Weather Research. It will take place in the summer months of the year 2021 at the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg - Richard-Aßmann-Observatorium (MOL-RAO) of the German Meteorological Service (DWD) near Berlin. In May, June and July 2021, a hybrid Summer School is offered by the participating scientists of FESSTVaL, complemented by additional lecturers. As FESSTVaL is a joint project of about a dozen scientists from seven different institutions in Germany, most of them being junior scientists (PhD and Postdoc), the working environment is dynamic and expert knowledge is brought together. For further information on the campaign, please visit <>.

In the period from end of May to the end of July, we host one group of students per week (8 groups in total) with a maximum of 4 participants per week at the Meteorological Observatory in Lindenberg near Berlin. During this week, the group works on a scientific project suggested by the organising team. Results of the projects are presented within the frame of the FESSTVaL Virtual Summer Seminar on each Friday afternoon. Project supervisors are also on site to assist the groups. Additionally, a dedicated lecture will be given on each Monday within the frame of the FESSTVaL Lecture Series. Both, the FESSTVaL Lecture Series and FESSTVaL Virtual Summer Seminar are live broadcasted, recorded and open for online participation for those students not being on site. FESSTVaL Virtual Summer Seminars take place on 8 - 10 consecutive dates, once a week, see <> for details. The program will provide participants with insights into observing and understanding submesoscale atmospheric dynamics, such as convective scale observations from different platforms, submesoscale dynamics and modeling. The deadline for submission of your application is 31 January 2021. More information and details about the submission can be found at <>.

Please feel free to advertise the FESSTVaL Summer School in your networks using this link or by forwarding this flyer.

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